Henna Products in India

Important Things To Remember When Choosing Henna Products 

When it comes to applying hair colour most people in India are going back to using organic products. Because of this organic trend Henna or Mehendi has gained a lot of popularity.  Be it the long-lasting hair colour or the herbal benefit of using Henna it is one of the popular choices.  

You might be wondering what’s the best hair mehndi in India or how to apply it. No worries in this blog we will discuss important things that will help you on your henna journey. 

What To Look Out for When Choosing A Henna Brand

There are several factors you need to keep in mind when choosing a henna brand in India as otherwise it is possible that you end up buying products that are harmful to your sensitive skin. The important factors are:

  • No Ammonia/ Chemical Use: The use of even small quantities of chemical solvents in henna or mehndi might either cause irreparable damage to your skin or, at the least, cause a burning sensation, irritation, and even redness in the skin. No chemical dyes should be used in the making of the product.

  • Purity of Henna: Natural henna has a unique colour and texture, and it is important to ensure that the henna is made from the finest quality henna leaves. The henna leaves should be ground to perfection.

  • Check Henna Aroma: Organic henna products have a typical earthy smell, which is also pleasant with a slight hint of a mix of essential oils to produce specific scents. Chemical henna, on the other hand, has a “factory smell” that does not feel natural and may actually smell unpleasant and be harmful to your skin.

  • Customer Reviews: Such reviews become especially important when you are ordering henna and Mehndi products online. In any case, you should go through reviews before buying as your due diligence can help you to remain safe. Take note of any adverse customer reactions, and act accordingly.

Thus, you should choose only those henna brands in India who ensure the highest quality in their supplies, so that you remain safe while using henna and mehndi products.

Some of the aspects you need to watch out for while buying henna products in india are:

  • Skin Reactions: Good quality henna products in India are not expected to trigger skin reactions. Natural henna should not trigger skin rash or allergic reactions, though there have been some reported cases of redness of the skin and swelling on the applied body parts.

  • Use of Chemicals: Adverse skin reactions are mainly due to the presence of harmful chemicals. Whether you are getting your henna from offline sources or you buy mehndi cones online in India, those products which have chemicals can be really harmful to your skin! These can produce allergic reactions or redness or swelling on the applied parts.

How To Dye Your Hair With Henna

Step1: Select Your Henna Type

Henna powders or pre-mixed henna colours are your two alternatives. For beginners, the pre-mixed dye may be a preferable option because it handles the inclusion of liquid or additional plant dyes.

Make sure there are no metallic salts in the ready-to-use product you use.

If you choose powder. You'll need to blend it with a simmering acidic liquid such as lemon juice until the mixture seems like smooth mud.

Allow the mixture to rest covered at room temperature for several hours.

Step 2: Apply A Patch

Make sure to do a patch test 24 to 48 hours before applying any of the henna to your hair. Stop using the product if you notice any redness, itching, swelling, or other symptoms of irritation.

Step 3:  How To Apply

This is the messy part. Before you start, prepare the hairline with barrier cream, put on gloves, and gather some old towels.

Section by section, apply a thick layer of henna paste on your hair. It will take a lot of product to adequately cover every strand.

Use a shower cap or loose cling film to cover.

Step 4: The Development

Natural henna takes little less than an hour to develop, longer than standard hair colours. Henna should stay on hair for three to six hours. The colour results can vary depending on the hair's initial colour and condition, but they usually get darker and more intense the longer the henna is left on the hair.

Step 5: Cleaning

Rinse your hair under the shower for just as long as required for the shower water to turn clear while wearing gloves. Once you've gently patted yourself dry, use your preferred hair oil or serum.

Within a day or two, you might repeat the procedure to get a deeper result if you think the colour isn't strong enough.

Keep all these things in mind that we discussed in this blog and carefully use the Henna products to have a better experience.


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